This is a very rare German M1935 DD Luftwaffe helmet and its original camouflage netting. This is the only double decal helmet we know that still retains its original camouflage netting, all the helmets that still retains their original camouflage netting are most of the time single decal helmets or camouflaged helmets. The helmet is a "SE68" with the batch number "4736", it is in very good condition, it preserves more than 90% of its blue factory paint and retains more than 90% of the decals. The camouflage netting is the first type in reddish/pinkish color and is maintained in place by 3 hooks. The reaction caused by the net on the shell is clearly visible. The leather is in very good condition too and still retains its original drawstring. The original leather chinstrap is still in place, it is marked with the company's name, location and date but are difficult to read. This helmet was sold by a US veteran family. It is in untouched condition, "AS FOUND".